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Osteopathic care during pregnancy

During pregnancy as you may already know your body undergoes significant changes to your posture, mechanics and hormones. 


Some of the musculoskeletal changes that occur are due to an increase in weight, fluid  as well as hormonal changes which can directly influence the connective tissues, ligaments and joints in your body. These changes can leave lasting affects on your musculoskeletal system and may present as different aches and pains. 


During pregnancy, osteopaths can provide manual therapy to help rebalance the spine and pelvis which can make the pregnancy easier and may help the delivery process as well. Osteopaths can also provide exercise support and can help reduce pain and tissue tension in all areas of the body. 


Osteopaths commonly see lower back, pelvic and hip pain, Sciatica, carpal tunnel, fluid retention, pelvic instability, headaches, migraines, sinus congestion, middle and upper back pain, neck pain, groin pain/inguinal/ round ligament pain, coccyx pain and ribcage pain. 


Preparing your body for birth

Osteopaths can treat women during all trimesters of pregnancy, to prepare the body for the stresses that come with carrying a child, labour and birth. An osteopath will: 


  • Take a thorough case history, medical history

  • Carry out an assessment to identify postural and musculoskeletal issues 

  • Tailor make individualised management plans that include manual therapy and exercise prescription to support mothers to be during their pregnancy and labour process.

  • Provide manual therapy treatment that mainly works with the soft tissues of the body- gently treating the muscles, tendons, ligaments and joints to relieve tension, restore balance, improve function and decrease pain

  • Provide advice on exercise and postural advice to aid with comfort during pregnancy. 

  • Communicate with your midwife, GP or Obstetrician and provide a referral if required. 

What comes after birth

After giving birth your body may need some time to recover and adjust to the changes post birth. Your osteopath will take another case history to explore any issues that may have occurred during labour that may impact your recovery. This case history will be able to indicate whether there are any post-partum complications such as post-natal depression, pelvic floor issues, bladder/bowel prolapses and incontinence and breast feeding issues. â€‹


Osteopathic treatments  post birth and can be very beneficial in relieving strains and pains that may have developed from labour as well as postural tension created from carrying and feeding your new born baby. 


Our osteopath Monica Moussally will be able to assess your pelvic floor externally and may be able to provide some treatment for some pelvic floor dysfunctions. She will also be able to refer you to an appropriate allied health professional for more specific diagnosis and treatment if required.


Monica also treats babies of all ages, click here to learn more.  

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